We're proud for every single puppy we have bred and raised in our hands and arms doesn't matter is that a show prospect/succesful cavalier or beloved pet enjoying his days on lap of loving family. Anyway the Job of serious breeder is to breed cavaliers up to the standard of the breed as closest to ideal as possible and what else than show results show us the way to go ??! We are happy to share results of Cavaliers breed by Perle du Sahel, owned & loved and showed by their owners around the world. Show results of cavaliers owned by Perle du Sahel itself are on their own web page and not picture here. If you're interested to get a show prospect from our breeding pls remember to get to our waiting list well at advance!! |
Darleen Perle du Sahel is Croatian champion she is out of ch.Soreen de Prettylbury ex ch. Angel's Pride Heartbreaker thnks to Ivana Kutela Petrovic her owner in Croatia, Victorian cavaliers Darleen is also a litter sister to AKC champ Davidoff PdS owned by Victoria Gardner, USA NC, Lizmere cavaliers --- Nesquik Perle du Sahel is champion BiH out of ch.Uptown Girl of Woodville ex Swynworth Indoxyl owned by Victoria Gardner USA NC Lizmere cavaliers --- Pure Passion Perle du Sahel is Czech junior champion owned by Ivana Jandova Silver Capricorn cavaliers |
--- New Junior champions in ownership of PdS Jch.Lux Nevaeh Perle du Sahel - Czech Junior samp. Jch. LUX Alexander The Great de l'Angelarde - Czech Junior sampion |
AKC champion Davidoff Perle du Sahel our of ch.Soreen de Prettylburry ex ch.Angel's Pride Heartbreaker owned by Victoria Gardner Lizmere Cavaliers NC USA |
if your dog's photo is missing on this page pls forward the pix to webmaster@perledusahel.com |
Whisky Mc Perle du Sahel tricolor dog owned by Sanja Toncic in Croatia is now Junior champion!!! well done!!! |
!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Herbelin Michel Perle du Sahel tricolor dog owned by Janet Villasenor in Texas USA to handle him beautifully and succesfully toward his points for champion and BOB title!!! well done!!! |
White Chantilly Perle du Sahel tricolor bitch owned by Iva Sega in Croatia is now Junior champion and qualification CRUFT 2008!!! well done!!! |
Water paint of Golden Delicious Perle du Sahel 4times Very Promising 1 at age of 3mos exact on 2 shows at Montenegro and 2 at BiH at June 2007 |
!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! Oliver Twist Perle du Sahel is now AKC champion blenheim dog belongs to Beverly Rahn Florida USA is son to Soreen de Prettyburry and Toraylac Zig Ziglar thnks for that great title and 5 x BOB!!! + 2nd in Toy group'!!! well done!!! (handled by Sandy Hesse, thank you too!) |
Pure Passion PdS getting 1st under K.Berry (Ricksbury cavaliers UK) |