if you have any problem viewing files or pages on this site pls feel free to write to the webmaster@perledusahel.com |
To continue choose and click on a button on the left side of the page |
Copyright for photos on this web belongs to Renata Hoffman - photo studio REN and Perle du Sahel - PdS You better ask for permission before copy down some. |
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Updated on Nov 26 2007 - News |
http://mytrips. perledusahel. com |
There is a Copyright on Every photo on this web site and NO photo published in here can be copied or reproducted any other way. By clicking on any button and continue to view the site you confirm to agree with these terms. Would you be interested to use some of the photos for your site to show ancestors of your dog in pedigree, ask on email for a written permission, your own copy and instructions how to use it. It is up to consideration of the owner of this web site whether or not permission will be given. Owner keeps rights to refuse a request with no explanation. |
We're working on a renewal of our web graphics it might happen some pages will temporarily not work correct let know we know about it and will try to make all working well really soon hope You'll like new look of our web |
There are new dogs/pups on avail page right now! |
Welcome on board captain Nemo!!! ruby dog "Nemo Sladka krasa" dob Sept 1st 2007 out of UK.ch.Harana Starman ex Fridolina Sladka krasa |