Our Particolor Queens |
interchampion trophy star de la fieffe au songeur |
Pensioned champion FR+LUX Moreen des Marliviers import FR, DOB-1996 "Mory" |
interchampion Trophy Star de la Fieffe au songeur import Fr, DOB-2002 "Fifi" |
champion,interchampionSoreen de Prettylbury import FR, DOB-2001 "sory" |
Champion Bih, multiple BOB winner triple Junior champion Jacynthe Perle du Sahel DOB-2004 "Cindy" |
4x champion,1st BIG, Top KAVALIR CZ 2004 Tendre Margot de Castelburry import FR, DOB-2002 "Margo" |
Smooth Operator of Woodville import FR, DOB-2001 "Shady" |
Alle de Delices de l'Angelarde import FR, DOB-2005 "Delice" |
see photos and pedigrees of each dog by clicking on a button with a nick name of some on top of this page |
Amantra Ivory IMPort uk, DOB-2001 "Evy" |